All postsPetrone Group was awarded the 2012 Public Affairs Award

June 27, 2012by Giuseppe Cerase

Petrone Group awarded with the Public Affairs Award

June 27, 2012

Petrone group, by way of its founder Dr. Carmine Petrone, on July 3, 2012, went to Rome to the Chapter House of the Senate, and received the prestigious Public Affairs Award. It is an annual award that recognizes the best organizations, both public institutions and individuals who have implemented projects, reports and campaigns in the field of Health in Italy.

The prize was awarded to the Group for their project entitled “The dynamic healthcare organization.” This project proposed an innovative model of business organization in the health field, based on the mapping of skills specific to training needs and individual development.

The judges that award the prize consist of representatives of the Parliament, the World Academic University, enterprises, consumers, journalists, and both national and international institutions working in the field of institutional relations. They expressed “the deepest satisfaction” with the outstanding work carried out by the Group in this area. ” Petrone group has earned the title of “Excellence in Public Affairs in 2012”.

The award was presented by Senator Antonio Tomassini – President of the Twelfth Standing Committee on Health and Hygiene of the Senate and the President of the PAA, Claudio Cricelli. This was part of the 4th National Conference of Public Affairs Association. On this occasion, they also presented the new algorithm Innovation applied by AIFA.

Giuseppe Cerase

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