All-articlesPetrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS

February 9, 2023by Giuseppe Cerase

France - Petrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS

France - Petrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS - The acquisition confirms Petrone Group's desire to continue its international growth path

The acquisition confirms Petrone Group's desire to continue its international growth path.

Lyon, February, 09th, 2023

Petrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS, a fast-growing French company, based near Lyon, expert in pharmaceutical logistics for the creation of supply chain solutions adapted to the specific characteristics of each product. Over the years, COLCA MS has developed a niche expertise dedicated to pharmaceutical operators in the area of rare and orphan diseases.
The acquisition confirms the Petrone Group’s desire to continue its international growth path and to benefit from the experience of French management and its network with a view to expanding Euromed-Pharma businesses.

Congratulations to our entire team that made this important achievement possible: Luca Petroni, Claudia Rinaldi, Vittorio Cirucci, Rodolfo di Martino

Raffaele Petrone
The Group CEO

Giuseppe Cerase

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Press release - Euromed Pharma DACH GmbH
Massimo Petrone nominated for the Government Relations and Public Policy Committee of the National Italian American Foundation

France - Petrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS

France - Petrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS - The acquisition confirms Petrone Group's desire to continue its international growth path

The acquisition confirms Petrone Group's desire to continue its international growth path.

Lyon, February, 09th, 2023

Petrone Group has acquired a majority stake in COLCA-MS, a fast-growing French company, based near Lyon, expert in pharmaceutical logistics for the creation of supply chain solutions adapted to the specific characteristics of each product. Over the years, COLCA MS has developed a niche expertise dedicated to pharmaceutical operators in the area of rare and orphan diseases.
The acquisition confirms the Petrone Group’s desire to continue its international growth path and to benefit from the experience of French management and its network with a view to expanding Euromed-Pharma businesses.

Congratulations to our entire team that made this important achievement possible: Luca Petroni, Claudia Rinaldi, Vittorio Cirucci, Rodolfo di Martino

Raffaele Petrone
The Group CEO

Petrone Group s.r.l. a socio unico Sede Legale: Via 25 Aprile n.56 - 20040 CAMBIAGO (MI) Italia Sede Viale della Liberazione, 111, 80125 Napoli Italia Capitale Sociale euro 50.490,00 i.v. P.iva, C.F. e nr. di iscriz. al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 05965480634 Tel: +390812415111 - Fax: +390812415247 email: © 2006-2022 Petrone Group