Early access and compassionate use programs deserve the attention of highly skilled professionals who appreciate the significance of these opportunities and understand the urgency these alternative schemes require.
Early access programs (EAPs) are used by a growing number of pharmaceutical companies to ensure access to therapies for patients with serious and/or rare diseases who cannot take part in a clinical trial or have no treatment options available.
These patients can be supported by EAP programmes and apply for individual access to life-saving treatments (Named Patient Programs).
Whatever the case may be, Euromed can help manufacturers connect with specialized physicians and identify specific national reimbursement strategies to reduce the distance between the ‘unlicensed’ drug and the patient.
“Thanks to our international locations, we are able to process your projects and requests in the best possible way by guaranteeing direct contact and constant support as well as fast and flexible business flows.”
OUR WORK: We buy from our Authorised and Trusted Distributors, not only located in Italy, where our Head Office is based, but also in other Markets: USA, Spain, Ireland, Germany and Singapore.
WHAT WE DO: We guarantee value to all stakeholders and a quality service that allows us to be competitive on the international market.
Thanks to our extensive and globally dispersed presence, we guarantee constant and fast support during our partners’ working hours, accommodating different time zones.
Our professional international purchasing team guarantees the best access to products from different markets.
Our international structure ensures our partners’ logistical solutions that enable fast and flexible trade flows.
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